Sun, Sep 17, 23.

Proverbs 31

  1. King Lemuel received counsel from his mother, and his mother will share in the glory attributed to him, for she was a part of his upbringing.
    1. This can be seen in the books of the Kings of Israel and Judah, where the mothers and wives were many times mentioned in relation to a king’s success or failure.
  2. Kings are not to drink wine [Pro 31:4-7]
  3. The husband of the proverbs 31 woman is an elder at the gates of the city; i.e., he’s a respectable man, yet his wife worked [Pro 31:13-24]. She was no housewife who just sat at home but a businesswoman.
    1. She wakes up before dawn [Pro 31:15].
    2. The woman has female servants, not male servants [Pro 31:15].
    3. It is Biblically okay to borrow for business, but not for consumption [2Kgs 4:3].
    4. It is okay to have servants [Pro 31:15].
      1. Elijah, despite what appears to be his earthly poverty, had servants serve him. Servants are needed, especially in the service of God’s servants.
    5. If one wants a harvest, he must be ready to do the work required [Pro 14:4].
    6. The noble wife has savings, and reinvests them [Pro 31:16]. She bought the field out of her own savings, not from her husbands.
    7. King Xerxes called for Vashti to display her beauty to his officials, just as God called Job to be displayed before His officials – the heavenly council.
    8. The noble woman is nice and generous [Pro 31:20]
    9. The wife is the one who watches over the affairs of the household, not the husband [Pro 31:27].
    10. A woman is not to be praised for beauty or charm, but for her fear of God, and by implication, the godly attributes that come with it [Pro 31:30].